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Do you have diabetic macular oedema?

We are inviting volunteers to participate in a four month clinical trial to test a potential new treatment for diabetic macular oedema.woman putting drops in eye

Participants will need to be:

  1. Above 18 years of age
  2. Diabetic (Type 1 or Type 2), AND
  3. Currently using insulin for the treatment of diabetes, OR
  4. Currently using oral anti-hyperglycaemic medicine for the treatment of diabetes
  5. Have minimal impairment of vision (better than 6/12 [minimum driver’s license standard] and neither eye worse than 6/60 [able to read letters at the top of a standard visual acuity eye chart])
  6. Have not received injections in the study eye within the last 6 months.

Participants will receive:

  1. Study-related care and examination for your diabetic macular oedema
  2. Eye drops to be administered.

The eye drops to use may be either an experimental study drug or placebo (i.e. eye drops which do not contain an active ingredient).

For more information please contact

Need any help?

If you would like to know more about us, or want to make an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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