Community Vision <br />Services

Community Vision

Low Support Vision Services

A new diagnosis of an eye condition can be overwhelming. You may have many questions, ranging from financial support such as concession cards, to vision loss related services and therapy.


To help answer your questions, and provide you with the support you may need at this time, the Lions Eye Institute has partnered with NDIS service provider VisAbility to offer the services of a social worker to our patients and their families.

VisAbility has offered innovative, life-changing support to people living with low or no vision for more than 100 years. Its professional therapy assists people across a range of ages.

The NDIS provider aims to inspire people living with blindness or vision impairment to live the life they want, with confidence.

Through VisAbility, you can access a range of services including:

  • Social work, occupational therapy, speech therapy, orientation and mobility, orthoptics and exercise physiology and dietetics.
  • Talking book library, accessible information and assistive technology.
  • Employment services and group programs.
  • Training and workshops.
  • Social activities and group outings through the VisAbility Community Activity Centre.

VisAbility also partners with Guide Dogs WA to assist people who are blind or vision impaired to access a Guide Dog.

The social work service is available from our Nedlands clinic, two days a week, and no referral is necessary. To make a booking with a VisAbility social worker or to find out more, please call (08) 9381 0777 or visit for more information.

Other low vision support services and organisations

Diabetes WA

Glaucoma Australia

Guide Dogs WA

Macular Disease Foundation Australia


School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory


Vision 2020

Vision Australia

Need any help?

If you would like to know more about us, or want to make an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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