World-class eye care where you live.
The belief that all Western Australians should be able to receive quality eye health care regardless of where they live, is the driving force behind Lions Outback Vision.
Lions Outback Vision is an innovative response to bridging the significant gap that exists, in both eye health and eye health services, between rural, regional and remote Western Australians and their urban counterparts.
McCusker Director Lions Outback Vision, Professor Angus Turner, leads a diverse team comprising ophthalmologists, optometrists, an Aboriginal eye health coordinator, administrative support staff and junior doctors.
Team members work closely with regional and remote health, corporate and community sectors to deliver high-quality eye care to areas of Western Australia too small to permanently support these services.
With its unique Vision Van – a specialist mobile eye health clinic comprising three consulting rooms fitted with specialist equipment – and its annual program of visiting optometry services, outreach clinics, and use of modern technology such as telehealth, Lions Outback Vision sees more than 10,000 patients annually across the state. These are patients who would otherwise have to travel to Perth to access such services.
Lions Outback Vision’s work is particularly relevant in tackling eye disease among Indigenous communities, whose rate of blindness is three times that of non-Indigenous Australians and who suffer 14 times more vision loss from diabetic eye disease.
Consolidating its commitment to equitable, sustainable eye care delivery for regional and remote communities, Lions Outback Vision is developing the Kimberley Eye Hub in Broome as a base from which to provide eye health services, education and patient support in the far north of Western Australia.
To learn more about Lions Outback Vision, visit