Workplace giving is one of the easiest ways you can donate to the Lions Eye Institute.
You can simply make a donation straight from your salary as a regular deduction – no collecting and filing receipts, no claiming at the end of the financial year. It is all done for you.
How do I become a workplace giver?
All you need to do is:
- Speak with your employer regarding their workplace giving scheme
- Name the Lions Eye Institute as your beneficiary
- Decide the amount you want to donate
How does it work?
- The amount you’ve chosen to give to the Lions Eye Institute is automatically deducted from each pay
- Your contributions are shown on your payslip
- You receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year
- You could be eligible for a reduction in your taxable income because your donations is made pre-tax
- You can alter or stop your workplace giving contributions whenever you choose
Does your employer have a matched giving program?
Many employers offer a program called ‘matched giving’. Match giving is an easy, structured way for your employer to support the good work happening in the community and to recognise your efforts by matching your fundraising – dollar for dollar.
Please talk to your employer for more information or if you need assistance in setting a matched giving program up for your organisation, please contact us.
How does my donation help?
Talk to your employer about joining their workplace giving program. If it doesn’t already exist, encourage them to establish one. Every dollar you donate through your workplace giving program goes toward our world-class research and treatments aimed at preventing and curing blindness and treating eye disease.
No matter how large or small your workplace giving donation, the Lions Eye Institute is extremely appreciative. For more information about supporting the work of the Lions Eye Institute, please contact (08) 9381 0777 or email