The combination treatment of laser induced chorioretinal venous anastomosis and Lucentis for macula oedema that is secondary to central retinal vein occlusion, compared to the published results of Lucentis treatment only, a phase IV study.
The Lions Eye Institute is seeking patients with recent a central retinal vein occlusion to participate in a 2 year study. The Lucentis-Central Vein Bypass Extension Study (L-CVBS Extension Study) requires monthly visits to the Lions Eye Institute in Nedlands over a 2 year period. It provides participants with a combination treatment of laser bypass (chorioretinal venous anastomosis- L-CRA) and Lucentis injections. The laser bypass treatment was developed at the Lions Eye Institute and the results from our published research show that participants who received this treatment had better and sustained vision than those participants who did not get the laser bypass treatment. In our current research, we are able to show that participants who receive the combination treatment (laser bypass and Lucentis injections) require fewer injections than participants who receive the Lucentis injections only. In this study all participants receive the combination treatment. This is a phase IV monitoring study examining the efficacy of the combination treatment in the broader population.
For further information, or to be accessed for acceptability for the L-CVBS Extension Study, please contact the Lions Vision Trials team on (08) 9381 0777 or email
Trial Registry Number: ACTRN12615001094561