The critical points in induction of experimental autoimmune uveitis.

Klimova A, Seidler Stangova P, Svozilkova P, Forrester JV, Klaska I, Heissigerova J.
The critical points in induction of experimental autoimmune uveitis.
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2016 Mar;160(1):140-2. doi: 10.5507/bp.2015.056. PMID: 26558361
See comment in PubMed Commons below
J Immunol Res. 2016;2016:5065703. doi: 10.1155/2016/5065703. Epub 2016 May 17.
Heissigerova J1Seidler Stangova P1Klimova A1Svozilkova P1Hrncir T2Stepankova R2Kverka M3Tlaskalova-Hogenova H2Forrester JV4.
The Microbiota Determines Susceptibility to Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis.
J Immunol Res. 2016;2016:5065703. doi: 10.1155/2016/5065703. Epub 2016 May 17

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