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DonateLife Week

This week is the 10th annual DonateLife Week. Australia leads the world for successful organ and tissue transplants and this DonateLife Week, you can give the gift of sight by signing up to become an organ and tissue donor.

Why become an eye donor?

  • Eye tissue transplants, specifically corneal and scleral tissue, save the sight of people with eye disease or corneal injury. The cornea is the clear outer layer at the front of the eye. The sclera is the white surrounding.
  • Except for blood transfusion, corneal transplants are the oldest and most successful form of human transplantation.
  • Almost anyone can be an eye donor, no matter your age or vision level. Even people with eye disease can donate eye tissue.
  • If your eye tissue is not suitable for transplant, it will not go to waste. Donated eye tissue is also used to help find new surgical treatments and advance medical research.

How does it work?

  • After receiving consent from a donor’s family, trained professionals perform eye retrieval. After the procedure, the donor will still look the same.
  • Corneas are in quarantine for 10 days while they go through examination and evaluation for surgical suitability.
  • Suitable corneas are provided to surgeons with patients listed with the Lions Eye Bank.

How do I register?

Registering to become an organ and tissue donor is easy. Simply visit the Australian Donor Registry and be sure to discuss your wishes with loved ones.

Lions Eye Bank of WA

The Lions Eye Bank, celebrating 35 years of saving sight in 2021, is the only eye bank in Western Australia. It is responsible for collecting, processing and distributing corneal and sclera tissue throughout Western Australia and has provided high quality tissue for more than 5,000 procedures.

By deciding to become an organ and tissue donor, you can bring hope to people affected by vision loss and blindness.

Need any help?

If you would like to know more about us, or want to make an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Request an appointment