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Professor David Mackey and Dr Sam Lee on ABC Radio

How important is natural light for our eyes

Many people live full lives without complete vision – or any vision at all. For those who can still see a lot – it’s important to stop, take stock of what you’ve got, and to look after it. Given it is ‘JulEye’, Focus is putting the spotlight on vision; taking a look at eye health and some fascinating research.

Professor David Mackey AO is Head of the Genetics and Epidemiology Research Group at the Lions Eye Institute. Dr Samantha Lee is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Lions Eye Institute. Professor Mackey and Dr Lee talk to Jessica Strutt about how our eyes work, eye injuries and eye health.

Listen online via the ABC Radio website.

Thanks to ABC Radio – On Focus with Jessica Strutt for this interview.

Professor David Mackey AO

Dr Samantha Lee

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